Guess what?? Frank and I are moving to Wall, S. Dakota. He said this Post Office is paying for his miniscule retirement, so we may get jobs to pay for the RV trip. He'll be a clerk and I can be the custodian, and fix anyone that gets hurt haha!!.
The above pictures are of the Wall shopping area. The Wall Drug store started out in 1931- purchased by Ted Hustead and his wife. It's in the middle of nowhere, so he decided to give it 5 yrs to prosper & if it didn't they would leave. After 5 yrs, still hardly any business, but his wife Dorothy had an idea - she made signs advertising free cold water, like the old Burma Shave signs. Travelers started coming for water, then purchasing items, and the store flourished. The next summer they had to hire 8 girls to help run the business. Today it's a huge complex of trinkets, ice cream parlor, cafe, jewelry, clothing, hardware, toys, etc. It even has a little chapel for travelers. The business is still managed by family. Across the street are more merchants, restaurants, etc. It was just something nice to do today, and then rest in our RV.
Again, we are blessed with this trip. We were to leave for our trip 1 week later, but thankfully we didn't because there were many tornadoe's in Oklahoma City after we left, leaving much damage. When we were in West Yellowstone Park, a storm was to come leaving 8-12 inches of snow, but it passed us and hit the south entrance and closed that entrance. That morning we were leaving for Buffalo, Wyoming thru the East entrance. Our trip has not had any problems - Praise the Lord. Tomorrow we will be heading East to Sioux Falls, S. Dakota.
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